I've been thinking a bit the past few weeks. I thought it would be nice to spend all of 2013 abroad. A year is a long time to commit to one family in one place without knowing how the situation is going to play out. You can only get to know a family so well over email and Skype Maybe I'm just being too cautious because of last time but I've heard other girls say the same. You can't really know until you get there.
I thought it would be really nice to spend the year in a few different places. Most countries allow 90 days at a time. I'm going to start off in Istanbul and go from there. See where it takes me and how far I can go. I bought a one way ticket to encourage myself to make it happen (it was also half the price, but)
Yesterday I had a lovely chat on Skype with an Italian family who lives in Varese. We got along so well and by the end of the call we ended up agreeing I would come stay with them in March, when my 90 days in Istanbul are over. They seem so nice and genuine, we laughed a lot which was great. I am already looking forward to staying with them.
So there is 6 out of 12 months. half way there :)